Friday, August 21, 2009

Finding Our Rhythm

As the summer is drawing to a close, we are settling into a new rhythm. It is quiet and peaceful. Our time is organized and our days are thoughtful, how I think they are intended. I have found time to read, knit and stop to savor all the little moments that pass too quickly. I have lots of hopes and dreams for this year, praying that I can bring them to life.


Kimberly said...

There really is something to being on a schedule! The more we settle into a routine and the more predictable Naomi's sleeping/awake time is becoming, the nicer life is!

I'm sure your dreams will come to fruition. You are magic in a bottle! How you do it all, I don't know.

Do you go in for a follow up ultrasound soon? I've been praying that placenta moves up up up!!!

Lauren S. said...

what a pretty child!