Thursday, December 30, 2010

Catching Up

I seem to do in spurts. I do a lot of blogging in my head and therefor don't always feel the need to type it all out, plus it's always late when I have time anyway. I can't say that there would have been may happy posts lately anyway, as I seem to be struggling. I can't quite put my finger on exactly why, but I have some theories. It's part normal, busy mom of 4 paired with issues of my head and heart that have me doing lots of thinking and praying. I feel like I am coming closer to some answers and that feels really good! Christmas was wonderful. It felt warm and comfortable. We spent the night at my parents house Christmas eve and I slept on the floor. I felt like a kid again, in a good way. I tucked my kids into bed with family and drifted off to sleep amidst the glow of the tree. The days since have been just as wonderful. Organizing, cleaning, coffee..lots of coffee and soaking in the joy of the Christmas season. I'm looking forward to a nice quiet new years eve with Carly and Thomas, champagne and dominoes!


Jamie said...

We all have times of struggle Jenny. Sometimes life is just hard or sad or disappointing or lonely. Hugs for you. Glad you got a chance to feel taken care of this Christmas.

A. said...

I'm glad for the times you do "Catch up" because I still follow your blog. You have a beautiful heart and it really shows in your posts in how you care for your family. Thanks for keping up your blog!