Monday, October 26, 2009

At least it's all clean

I have kept up on the washing, but clearly not the folding. Last night we didn't even sleep in our bed, I was too tired to fold and slept with Jameson. Please tell me I am not the only one who has ever done this??


Reese's Pieces said...

Ha ha! Well at least its out of your main room and off your couch!

Yara said...

baskets.... pile it up in baskets... then you can still sleep in your bed ; )

JennyLynn said...

It was in baskets. I only have 3 baskets so that I can't let too much sit around, so I decided that it would be motivating to put it on the bed, surely I would fold it so I could sleep there, right? This is about 7 loads.

Yara said...

on the plus side, I just did a load... and am gonna be sure to put it away today : )
thanks for the motivation <3

Lauren S. said...

That's hilarious. My dh would have been so ticked. :)

Once I had a huge pile on the bed which I started folding minutes before we wanted to go to sleep. DH pitched in slightly irritated but trying to be supportive, and I remember saying to him, "It really makes me feel loved when you help me fold the laundry." He smiled and ever so often helps me out a bit more with it. :)

Jamie said...

Oooh good tip there Lauren :) Poor thing Jenny. I get behind on laundry too. It's times like that that I think those FLDS polygamist households may be onto something.

Sonja said...

I confess... we've pulled out the couch for a night because we couldn't actually see the bed under all the clean laundry anymore.