Monday, January 3, 2011

Dish Hill

We had some good friends over, who have 5 kids under the age of 7. Add them to our 4, and it makes 9 kids age 7 and under. (In my little house I might add.) It was refreshing to spend time with a fellow homeschooling, Catholic mom who truly understands the joys and sacrifices of this calling. There was lots of food, fun and toys strewn all. over. my. very. little. house. Bill was super helpful tonight and climbed dish hill and conquered while I put all the toys back in their homes. I will be thanking God tonight for good friends, and a helpful husband.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think joy and sacrifice is a good way to put it. Glad you have a friend who is in your same place. It makes laughing at the hard times much easier I think!